"Strengthening the canine-human connection through education and compassionate Interactions"
Interested in Joining Helping Idaho Dogs?
We welcome your interest in pet assisted therapy and joining Helping Idaho Dogs.
Is your dog:
Well Behaved
Interested in People
Current on Vaccinations
Likes to be touched
You may be living with a future therapy dog!
Our visiting teams are certified with Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Inc. One of the 3 nationally recognized therapy groups in the United States.
Therapy Dogs visit in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Acute Hospitals, Hospice, Retirement Homes, Psychiatric Facilities, Daycare Centers, Rehab Units, Schools, Community Events.
Therapy Dogs visit anywhere they are invited and welcome.
Do I get paid to do this?
You do, but not with currency. You’ll be paid with the overwhelming joy of watching your dog touch others in ways no one else can. Your heart grows a bit larger when you are involved in pet therapy.
This does require a definite dedication of your time.
What Makes a Good Therapy Dog?
The breed does not matter. What does matter is that the dog is well socialized and enjoys greeting and visiting with people. The dog should also enjoy being petted and touched.
And, of course, he must be under the handler’s control at all times.
Therapy dogs must be able to function around other dogs.
A basic novice obedience class or similar training is suggested.
Above all, socialize, socialize, socialize.
How Can My Dog and I Become Involved?
To begin, you will contact Alliance of Therapy Dogs, Inc (therapydogs.com) to start your background check, visit your veterinarian to obtain a clean fecal test and obtain proof of current vaccinations. Then you and your dog will be evaluated by an Alliance of Therapy Dogs Tester/Observer. If all goes well, you and your dog will attend a minimum of 3 pet therapy visits with the Tester/Observer.
Helping Idaho Dogs is glad to answer any questions you may have and also guide you in this process.
Once you and your dog are certified with Alliance of Therapy Dogs, you will be welcomed to join Helping Idaho Dogs and start a very powerful journey with your dog.
Our volunteers are required to:
complete our volunteer application by following the link below.
Complete and pass a fingerprinted background check through the Idaho State Police. (The volunteer pays the cost of $41.25 for the background check.)
Note: The background check must be completed with the assistance of our Executive Director once your application has been accepted.
If you and your dog are already a certified therapy team in good standing with Alliance of Therapy Dogs, please request an application by following the link below..